The Cheadle Academy

SEND Policy




SEND Policy and SEN Information Report


This SEND policy details how TCA will do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any student who has special educational needs and those needs are made known to all who are likely to teach them. TCA will use its best endeavours to ensure that teachers in the academy are able to identify and provide for those students who have special educational needs to allow students with special educational needs to participate in the activities of the academy together with students who do not have special educational needs, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with the child receiving the special educational provision and the efficient education of the students with whom they are educated.


The SEND policy should be read in conjunction with the SEN Information Report 2022-2023. This is available on the SEND section of the website.


The staff and governors of TCA will endeavour to ensure that all SEND students reach their full potential, are fully included within the academy community and are able to make successful transfers between educational establishments. This policy aims to support all members of staff in providing positive whole academy approaches towards the learning, progress and achievement of SEND students. All teachers are teachers of SEND students. Teaching and supporting such students is therefore a whole academy responsibility requiring a whole academy response.

Meeting the needs of SEND students requires partnership working between all those involved - LA, academy, parents/carers, the students themselves, children’s services and all other agencies. TCA is committed to welcoming all students. Adjustments will be made where necessary and where possible to enable all students for whom TCA is the best placement, to access lessons and social time as freely as possible. Needs and adjustments will be considered on an individual basis.


TCA is an access academy. We have improved the physical layout of the academy buildings to further support full access to the facilities within the academy. There are disabled toilets on both levels of the site and wheelchair access to the main reception. All areas of the academy site can be accessed, many without additional support.


What are special educational needs?


Students have special educational needs if they have a difficulty which calls for special education provision to be made for them e.g. which is in addition to or different from areas differentiated curriculum plans. TCA regards students as having a SEND if they:

  • Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of students of the same age
  • Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for students/young people of the same age in schools within the area served by the LA

Students must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.

TCA will have regard to the SEND Code of Practice when carrying out its duties towards all SEND students and ensure that parents / carers are informed by the academy that SEND provision is being made for their child.




Aims of our SEND policy


  • The views of the students are sought and taken into account.
  • To reduce barriers to progress and learning.
  • To ensure that partnership with parents / carers plays a key role in supporting their child’s education and enabling them to achieve their potential. Our academy will endeavour to support parents / carers through the process of informing them of need, transition and adjustment to evidence high levels of satisfaction and partnership.
  • To ensure SEND students are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate alternative curriculum and 14-19 pathways.
  • To ensure SEND students have full access to all academy activities so far as it is reasonably practical and relates to the student’s needs.
  • We work in partnership with external agencies to meet the needs of the student including looked after children who have SEND needs
  • There is a smooth transition at each transition stage for the student whether that is moving up from primary school, selecting GCSE options or pathways beyond Yr11. Students are supported to identify a suitable destination, given bespoke IAG advice and support is provided to ensure the transition is effective.
  • Ensure that the 5% nominal funding provided for SEND is used to deliver the necessary provision for any Student who has SEND.
  • Ensure that teachers in the academy are aware of the importance of identifying, and providing for, those students who have SEND.
  • To ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet pupil need, through well targeted continuing professional development.


How does TCA know if students need extra support?


Students need help when:

  • Concerns are raised by parents/ carers, the child, teachers, a child’s previous school or via other agencies
  • Tracking of attainment indicates a lack of progress, slow progress or low achievement
  • There is a change in the child’s behaviour


  • Students are accessed for examination access arrangements throughout Year 9 and into Year 10. Where students may need a particular examination access arrangement, this provision is assessed for within school at the end of Year 9 or beginning of Year 10.
  • Specialist assessment is arranged for students who require specific examination access arrangements. The outcome of these assessments determine the arrangements put into place.  The SENCO and a member of the SEND Team work with the Examinations Officer to make the access arrangements applications.



How will TCA support my child?


TCA will adopt a graduated response to meeting special educational needs for each individual child that requires the initial use of classroom and academy resources before bringing specialist expertise to bear on the difficulties that a student is experiencing. When a young person is identified as having special educational needs, the academy will intervene as described below at Wave 2 and Wave 3 SEN Support. Such interventions are a means of helping TCA and parents match special educational provision to individual student needs. The SEND Governor and the Governing Body are consulted with regards to any changes in procedures, attainment and progress data and changes in legislation.



Wave 1 – Universal Provision

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the students in their class, including where support is accessed from teaching assistants or support staff. High quality teaching that is differentiated for individual students is the first step in responding to students who may or may not have SEN. Additional support or intervention cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching. To support the improvement of emotional and social development of SEND students the SEN team works closely with the Pastoral team to ensure the student’s views are listened to and support is in place to prevent bullying. TCA regularly reviews the quality of provision through its quality assurance procedures and is particularly vigilant in tracking the progress of students who are at risk of underachievement.




SEN Support: Wave 2

A student is at SEN Support: Wave 2 when they are identified as needing provision additional to or different from that provided as part of normal class activities. The triggers for intervention and SEN Support: Wave 2 will be concern, backed by evidence, about a young person who despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities makes:

  • Little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted particularly in a young person’s identified area of weakness;
  • Shows signs of difficulty in developing literacy or mathematics skills which result in poor attainment in some curriculum areas;
  • Presents persistent emotional or behavioural difficulties which are not ameliorated by the behaviour management techniques employed by the academy;
  • Has sensory or physical problems and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of specialist equipment;
  • Has communication and /or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of a differentiated curriculum.
  • Where testing upon transition or at any point it is deemed necessary identifies an impediment to learning. Students with a standardised score for reading of between 85 and 90 will be placed on the register at SEN Support: Wave 2 and support provided.

In some cases outside professionals from health or children’s services may already be involved with the young person. Where these professionals are not already working with TCA, the SENCo will contact them having discussed the situation with the parents / carers. The Inclusion team will further assess the young person and support for the individual will be discussed and action taken. Progress will be regularly tracked and monitored and all will be done to ensure the student will be able to take part in activities in the school with students who do not have SEND needs.


SEN Support: Wave 3

As the result of a review meeting the decision may be taken by the SEND team, in consultation with parents/ carers and young person, to involve external support services provided by the LA

and/or other agencies. These agencies will provide advice on setting appropriate targets and the use of new or specialist strategies or materials. They may administer more specialist assessments that can inform the planning and measurement of the young person’s progress. In some cases they will provide support for particular activities.

The triggers for SEN Support: Wave 3 could be that despite receiving support under SEN Support: Wave 2 the young person:

  • Continues to make little or no progress in specific areas over a long period;
  • Continues working at a standard substantially below that expected of young people of a similar age;
  • Continues to have difficulty developing literacy and mathematics skills;
  • Has emotional or behavioural difficulties which substantially and regularly interfere with the young person’s own learning or that of the class groups, despite having an individualised behaviour management programme;
  • Has SEND or physical needs that require additional specialist equipment or regular advice or visits by a specialist service;
  • Has communication and/or interaction difficulties that impede the development of social relationships and cause a substantial barrier to learning.

In exceptional cases a child may move straight to SEN Support: Wave 3.


Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)

In a very few cases, if a young person continues to demonstrate significant cause for concern despite interventions at SEN Support: Wave 3, a request may be made to the Local Authority (LA) for an EHCP. This will decide the nature of the provision necessary to meet the young person’s SEND. If this cannot reasonably be met by the academy, then the LA may provide extra resources. In exceptional circumstances, a child may be referred straight to an EHCP. Where a request for an EHCP is made to Staffordshire LA, the student will have demonstrated significant cause for concern and the academy will provide written evidence to the LA detailing:

  • The academy’s action through SEN Support: Wave 2 and SEN Support: Wave 3
  • The outcomes of monitoring and assessment
  • Records of regular reviews and their outcomes
  • The student’s health including the student’s medical history where relevant
  • attainments in English and Mathematics
  • Educational and other assessments, for example from an advisory specialist support teacher or an educational psychologist
  • Views of the parents and of the Student
  • Involvement of other professionals for example involvement by the social services or education welfare service.


Students with medical needs


For all medical needs, we endeavour to follow the Local Authority policy, the DfE guidelines included within “Supporting Students at School with medical Conditions” (DfE 2014)


If a child has a medical need then a detailed Health Care Plan is compiled in consultation with parents/ carers and, if appropriate, the children themselves. The school nurse can be consulted if necessary. These are discussed with all staff involved with the child and are reviewed annually or earlier if necessary. Teachers have copies of care plans and these should be referred to when necessary.


Where necessary, in agreement with parents/ carers, prescribed medicines may be administered in school where a signed parental agreement form has been completed and agreed in consultation with the principal.


Regular training in the administration of certain medicines is given to all staff as necessary.


What additional services and expertise may be available to my child?


Autism Outreach Team


School Nurse

Educational Psychologist Service

Speech and Language Therapy

Health Visitor

Behaviour Support Service

PDSS (Physical Devt support services)

Social Services

Midlands Psychology

Hearing Support Team

Community Paediatrician

Local Support Team

Visually Impaired Support Team

Family Support Service

YESS- Youth Emotional Support

Education Welfare Officer

Occupational Therapy




How will I know how my child is progressing?


  • Each term all students in the school are assessed in all their subjects. This information is sent home to parents/carers, so that they can see how well their child is doing.
  • There are also parent / carer evenings each year for parents/carers to meet with their child’s teachers to discuss how well they are doing and how they can support their child.
  • Towards the start of each term parents/carers with a child on the SEND register, are sent a copy of their child’s Pupil Passport, which includes detailed information on the strategies that can be used in school and at home.
  • School arrange coffee mornings or afternoons so that parents of children with SEN can meet their child’s key worker and the wider members of the SEND Team and discuss their child’s progress in a less formal environment
  • Children with an EHCP receive an annual review, which usually includes a representative from the Local Authority. This is in accordance with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014.
  • The Cheadle Academy has an open-door policy and all parents of students with SEND are encouraged to contact the SENCO or their child’s key worker to form an effective working partnership.
  • Students are allocated to a tutor group. The group tutor is the main point of contact for parents to direct concerns to and provides continuity for the child and parents.
  • Every student has their well-being, progress, attendance and behaviour monitored by their Head of Year.
  • Students and parents have access to Class Charts software/app. Teachers record commendations and any behaviour issues through the Class Charts programme.
  • The Cheadle Academy has a pastoral team to provide pastoral support, this includes the non-teaching year manager, who works alongside the Year Leaders
  • Parents are also free to contact subject staff directly to discuss their child using the staff contact list on the school website.



During Early Help Assessment meetings (EHA) parents/ students are informed of progress and targets set.


All Statements/EHCPs will be reviewed annually with the statement review taking place in the academy, unless requested otherwise. The parents / carers, the young person and involved professionals will be invited to consider the progress made by the young person in achieving targets set and whether any amendments need to be made to the statement. Students and parents participate in their Annual Reviews by:

  • Attending their review meetings
  • Offering their opinion and advice in the setting of targets
  • Discussing their achievements / concerns / issues in advance of the review meeting with parents/carers or others as appropriate.


The SENCO will then discuss the outcome of the in-academy review and inform the LA of any recommendations. At the Annual Review at the end of KS4 the aim should be to give clear recommendations as to the type of provision required Post 16.


Removal from the SEND Register


A student could be removed from the register following review processes or in accordance with the wishes of the stakeholders, including the student and parents. They may also be removed from a category of SEN Support where testing has evidenced that they no longer require the additional support, for example if their standardised scores in testing exceed 90.


Who can I contact for further information or if I have a concern/ complaint?


If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs please contact the appropriate member of staff listed below:


Appointments with school staff can be via The Cheadle Academy Switchboard: 01538 493900

Mr B Adamson: SEN Governor. Contact through the academy office.

Mrs S Halden-Evans – SENCO

Mr C Hadley:  Associate Assistant Principal

Ms R Evans: Year Leader for KS3

Mr R Hall: Year leader for KS4


School Nurse: contact Miss Climpson

who will make a referral


Teaching Assistants


Please see the website for further information –


Parent Partnership Service- 01785 356921;


The Local Authority’s Local Offer can be found at:


Complaints that cannot be resolved through discussion with the SENCO or other relevant member of staff should be made in writing and addressed to the Chair of the Governing Body- Mrs Welford.


Signed: …………………………………………………………. Principal

Date: …………………………………………………………….

Signed: ………………………………………………………….



DATE ADOPTED:               SPRING 2021